For all queries regarding submission of articles to OJEPN, please contact the Editor, Prof. Andy J. Wills, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Submit an article

To submit an article for consideration, attach a single PDF version of your manuscript, including all figures and tables, to an email and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you wish to submit Supplementary Materials, submit these as a second, single, PDF document. These PDF documents must be generated using the templates provided (see below).

All subsequent correspondence will be from the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the email address from which you sent your article. It is therefore vitally important that you add This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to your 'safe senders' list or similar in your email client - otherwise you run the risk of missing emails from us due to your email client's junk mail policies.

Submission templates

We prefer submission in LaTeX format, using our template, because this helps to miminize our production costs, and it allows you to see how your article will look once published -- here's an example.

Overleaf provides a convenient web-based system for creating LaTeX documents, and you can use our overleaf template. If you are unable to use LaTeX format, you may submit using the following template (click link and then click 'Download') for LibreOffice, a free and open-source alternative to Microsoft Word. The LibreOffice template also works with recent versions of Microsoft Word (tested with Word Office 365).

Use one of these two templates to prepare your article. When you are ready to submit, save a PDF version of your article, and send just that version to us in the first instance. We will request your original files if the paper is accepted.

Author processing charge

We'll never charge more to publish your article than it takes to cover our running costs. Our APC is currently £300, payable on acceptance of your article. If your paper is not in LaTeX format, and contains more than one simple equation, or more than one simple Table, you may be charged an additional fee for typesetting prior to publication. This fee is currently £100. Thanks to our sponsors, there is some funding you might be able to apply for to cover the APC.


We strongly encourage (but do not require) authors to upload a preprint of their manuscript at the same time they submit it to OJEPN for consideration. If you do so, please include a indication that the paper is currently under review at OJEPN. We recommend the psyArXiv preprint server.

Supplementary Materials

Where there are details you wish to report that will not fit within the 4000 word limit, we will consider publishing a single Supplementary Materials document alongside your main article. Supplementary Materials are for details of literature review, methods, results, and discussions, that are too lengthy for inclusion in your main article. They are not for raw data, stimulus files, or analysis scripts. We strongly encourage publication of this type of material, but request you use one of the available third-party resources for this e.g. OSF.